Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Why Wright?

I graduated high school from Hughes Center in Cincinnati, Ohio in 2008. Prior to graduation, I only applied for one college that I didn't even plan to attend. It was a requirement for one of my classes to have completed an actual college application. I simply applied to Cincinnati State Community College. I never had plans to go further my education after I graduated. I was so ready to get out of high school, the last thing on my mind was more schooling. Once I graduated I got a full time job working with the MR/DD providing in home care. I am currently still employed with the company. I thought I had a good enough job to get me by for a while until i figured out what really wanted to begin doing with the rest of my life. As time went on I began to quickly see that the working life is very different than being a high school student, it was much harder. I found that I had it easier in school, than I did working full time trying to keep up with bills and such. I knew it would only get harder as time went on and i acquired more bills, or even children. I had a decision to make. Either struggle trying to make ends meet working a close to minimum wage job, or do what I should of done in the first place and seek higher learning and continue my education. The decision was easy. I knew it would benefit me in the long run, so I applied to Wright State. Wright is about a hour away from Cincinnati. Not too far from home, yet far enough to begin to establish some independence. I had a few friends that already attended that further persuaded me to enroll. I didn't chose Wright because of my major, or any specific reason. Simply because it was convenient for me. It seems I made a good choice and plan to continue my education here as a Raider.

1 comment:

  1. Very insightful blog. Glad it didn't take long for you to realize how difficult your life could become without a degree. You made a good decision, and it will pay off for you.
